Evaluation of desmoplasia in pancreatic and colon tumors by morphometric analysis


  • Bruna Fonsêca Oliveira Coêlho
  • Cássia Thaís Pessoa de Albuquerque Ferreira
  • Antônio Felix da Silva Filho
  • Luiza Rayanna Amorim de Lima




Desmoplastic reaction, Cancer, Extracellular matrix, Fibrosis, Gomori's trichrome


Abstract: Objectives: This study aims to quantify collagen deposition in the desmoplasia of pancreatic and colonial tumors. Methods: Samples of colon and pancreas tumors were selected from the Hospital das Clínicas de Pernambuco and submitted to trichomy with Gomori's Trichrome. Photomicrographic analysis was performed using the integrated Panthera imaging analysis system L. Results: It was identified that 31 colon tumors and 22 pancreatic tumors presented desmoplasia with the visualization of fibrillar collagen distributed irregularly around the tumor. There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.0031) between collagen fiber deposition in desmoplastic and non-desmoplastic pancreatic tumors, as well as for colonic tumors (p < 0.001). Conclusion: It was observed that more than half of the tumors analyzed presented desmoplasia with a difference of density of collagen fibrils statistically significant.


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Como Citar

Coêlho, B. F. O., Ferreira, C. T. P. de A. ., da Silva Filho, A. F. ., & de Lima, L. R. A. . (2023). Evaluation of desmoplasia in pancreatic and colon tumors by morphometric analysis. Peer Review, 5(3), 106–121. https://doi.org/10.53660/203.prw209


