Use skin as DNA in damage assessment in stranded cetaceans


  • Juliana Plácido Guimarães Centro Universitário São Judas - Campus Unimonte
  • Carlos Alexandre B. Garcia
  • Jociery E. Vergara-Parente
  • Maria Angélica Miglino
  • Durvanei A. Maria



Environmental contamination can affect natural populations causing tissue damage such as reduced genetic variability, limiting the ability of the species live with long-term changes in the environment. Cetaceans are considered biomarkers since they are more vulnerable to exposure to environmental contaminants. This study was to analyze the phases of cell cycle in the skin of cetaceans, DNA damage and relate the results with analysis of trace elements found in these animals. We used fragments of the skin of 30 cetaceans stranded and frozen for analysis of trace elements. We observed  a large amount of iron and zinc, the latter being necessary for metalloprotease, proliferation of cutaneous cells, and deposition of collagen in wounds. Animals in an advanced state of decay showed a greater number of cells in all phases of the cell cycle, and this fact be related to a response of the organism in response to cell death.


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Como Citar

Guimarães, J. P., Garcia, C. A. B. ., Vergara-Parente, J. E. ., Miglino, M. A., & Maria, D. A. . (2023). Use skin as DNA in damage assessment in stranded cetaceans. Peer Review, 5(15), 215–234.


