Different species of animals run over in highways in the northwestern region of Paraná state – Brazil





This study sought to identify and quantify the trampling of carcasses of animals along the highways in the northwest region of the state of Paraná and for this it was necessary  the support of the Environmental Police of Paraná, where animals carcasses were collected  along the highways BR-376, PR-082, PR-151, PR-180, PR-182, PR-323, PR-486, PR-489, PR-490, PR-151 and PR-518. After the receipt of the specimens, the identification was carried out through the external morphology according to the taxonomic classification, then, were realized the dissection and autopsy. Roadkill of 50 specimens were recorded, being 10 birds, seven reptiles and 33 mammals. With the identification of the animals species run over  in this study, it is possible to  conclude that the construction of highways and the intense traffic of cars and trucks have caused significant environmental problems because it is necessary to deforest areas rich in flora and fauna to their construction and with this situation there is change in the migratory routes of animals and food behavior change that significantly increases the chances of a roadkill  and the animals come to death. Studies like  this one, are required to submit the environmental impacts (environment and wild animals) that the constructions or even the increase of highways cause on flora, fauna, and also for the environment itself to be proposed before the work plan with measures that aim to reduce these impacts.


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Como Citar

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