Clinical, morphological and diagnostic characteristics of malignant mammary tumor in bitches


  • Ciro José Sousa de Carvalho
  • Airton Mendes Conde Junior
  • Silvia de Araújo França Baêta
  • Francisco de Assis Leite Souza
  • Salviano Tramontin Belettini
  • Natalie Bertelis Merlini
  • Luan Vinícius Tezzei Maia
  • Ana Maria Quessada Universidade Paranaense



Adenocarcinoma, Canine, Mammary neoplasia, Cytology


Mammary tumor is the most frequent neoplasia in bitches in Brazil, and most of the mammary tumors in female dogs in the country, are malignant. This study aimed to evaluate clinical, morphological and diagnostic characteristics of malignant mammary tumors in 32 bitches. The average age of the bitches was 10.1 years, demonstrating that older bitches are more predisposed. Most bitches weren't neutered. Tumor size in most animals was greater than 5 cm. and showed rapid growth in most cases. In all bitches, no signs of metastases in the lungs were observed. The results of the cytological exams showed a mixed malignant tumor and adenocarcinoma, and about 81.5% of adenocarcinomas were confirmed by histopathological exam. It was concluded that non-castrated elderly female dogs were the majority. Malignant tumors larger than 5 cm with fast growth and firm consistency were the most frequent.


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Como Citar

Carvalho, C. J. S. de ., Conde Junior, A. M. ., Baêta, S. de A. F. ., Souza, F. de A. L. ., Belettini, S. T. ., Merlini, N. B. ., Maia, L. V. T., & Quessada, A. M. (2023). Clinical, morphological and diagnostic characteristics of malignant mammary tumor in bitches. Peer Review, 5(5), 366–378.


