A case of study of teachers' digital literacy in the South of Brazil: re-thinking teaching and learning in adult education during COVID-19


  • Flavia Eizerik Universidade de Lisboa/ Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg




Innovation, Educational Innovation, Teacher Education, Digital Literacy, Adult Education


This article deals with the reality of education in the State of Rio Grande do Sul during the COVID-19 pandemic. We presents explicitly the results of a public-private project called "E-Duca Digital". Also, we showed the results of this digital literacy initiative for teachers. Besides, we displayed an overview of the reality of the state's education.  At the end, we also give an overview of innovation and the opportunities that the pandemic scenario's ended up generating.


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Como Citar

Eizerik, F. (2023). A case of study of teachers’ digital literacy in the South of Brazil: re-thinking teaching and learning in adult education during COVID-19. Peer Review, 5(5), 194–208. https://doi.org/10.53660/287.prw616


