Self-reported prolonged standing work is not associated with lower back and lower extremity pain in viticulture workers


  • Ana Karolina Almeida Pina
  • Francisco Locks Universidade de Pernambuco
  • Zalane Cristina Marques Ferraz
  • Camila Alves de Brito
  • Luiz Augusto Brusaca
  • Gabriel de Amorim Batista
  • Francis Trombini-Souza
  • Tarcísio Fulgêncio Alves da Silva
  • Rodrigo Cappato de Araújo
  • Ana Beatriz de Oliveira



Agriculture work, Ergonomics, Occupational health


This cross-sectional study investigated the association between prolonged standing at work and pain in the lower back and lower limbs in viticulture workers. Prolonged standing was self-reported. Lower back and lower extremity pain were obtained using a 0-10 scale and categorized as “present” and “absent.” The association between standing work and the presence of pain was tested using binary logistic regression. 320 viticulture workers were evaluated. Participants were mainly female (78.4%), with a mean age of 36.2 (±9.1) years, 83.1% worked in the field, and 16.9% in packaging. The prevalence of pain was 50.3% for the lower back, 18.1% for the hip, 20.9% for the knee, and 24.4% for the ankle/foot. Logistic regression showed a negative association between dynamic standing at work and high-intensity pain in the lower back.


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Como Citar

Almeida Pina, A. K. ., Locks, F., Marques Ferraz, Z. C. ., Alves de Brito, C. ., Brusaca, L. A. ., de Amorim Batista, G. ., Trombini-Souza, F. ., Fulgêncio Alves da Silva, T. ., Cappato de Araújo, R., & de Oliveira, A. B. . (2024). Self-reported prolonged standing work is not associated with lower back and lower extremity pain in viticulture workers . Peer Review, 6(15), 142–157.


