Impact of reduced contrast sensitivity function in the elderly





Contrast sensitivity is a visual function associated with recognizing objects in low light. Objective: to review the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) in the elderly, the changes  related to it with aging and the impact of its decline on daily activities. Methods: Search in PubMed/MEDLINE and SciELO, using the descriptors “contrast sensitivity” AND “seniors” OR “Elder*” OR “older adults” OR aged. Inclusion criteria: age ≥ 60 years or “elderly” and reference to CSF assessment. Results: elderly people have reduced CSF, leading to the risk of falls. CSF is useful for balance, performance on digital tasks, movement processing and quality of life, as well as it is important in cognitive and neuropsychological tests. Impairment of CSF is associated with loss of driving performance of motor vehicles, especially at low luminance. Elderly people who have a decrease in CSF have less social interaction and a lower quality of life. Conclusion: the reduction in CSF occurs with aging and is associated with postural imbalance, in addition to an increase in fall rates and impact on the activities of daily living of the elderly, influencing mobility and social interaction.



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Biografia do Autor

Clarissa Vargas Araújo, Higher School of Health Sciences, Brasilia, Brazil

Medical Intern at the Higher School of Health Sciences, Brasilia, Brazil

Isadora Vargas Cunha , The Federal District Health Department

Medical Doctor at The Federal District Health Department, Brasilia, Brazil

Julia Vargas Araujo, University Center of Brasília – UniCeub, Brasilia, Brazil,

Medical Intern at the University Center of Brasília – UniCeub, Brasilia, Brazil,

Marco Antônio Vargas Matos , UniCEPLAC – University Center of Planalto Central Apparecido dos Santos

Medical Intern at the UniCEPLAC – University Center of Planalto Central Apparecido dos Santos, Gama, Brasilia, Brazil


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Como Citar

Vargas, D. B. ., Araújo, C. V. ., Cunha , I. V., Araujo, . J. V., & Matos , M. A. V. . (2024). Impact of reduced contrast sensitivity function in the elderly. Peer Review, 6(10), 220–241.


