A Dogme-based approach to conversation classes





Dogme ELT, aulas de conversação, língua emergente


In the field of language learning, students often seek conversation classes to improve their speaking skills. However, such courses typically follow a pre-defined syllabus, offering little flexibility to address individual preferences and specific communication gaps. This study explores the characteristics of an alternative pedagogical approach, known as Dogme ELT, which advocates for personalized teaching based on students' preferences and emergent language needs (MEDDINGS; THORNBURY, 2009). This article presents a pedagogical proposal based on the implementation of this approach in a conversation course offered at the Federal University of Pará. Through a detailed examination of the planning process, three Dogme-based classes taught in this course will be analyze so as to highlight the most effective strategies for integrating students’ preferences and addressing their language necessities within a communicative language teaching framework.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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NGUYEN, Quang Nhat; HUNG, Bui Phu. The Dogme Approach: A Radical Perspective in Second Language Teaching in the Post-Methods Era. Journal of Language and Education, v. 6, n. 3, p. 173-184, 2020.

MEDDINGS, Luke; THORNBURY, Scott. Teaching Unplugged: Dogme in English Language Teaching. Surrey: Delta, 2009.

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Como Citar

Teixeira Nunes, V., & Assef Faciola, R. (2023). A Dogme-based approach to conversation classes. Peer Review, 5(21), 236–257. https://doi.org/10.53660/1061.prw2617


