Morphofunctional characteristics of muscle fascia and the impact of its mobilization on the sports scene: an integrative review




Musculoskeletal manipulations, Fascia, physical activity


The use of myofascial release has been the subject of study by scholars from different areas of health. Although there is a smaller number of researches, scientific findings point to a strong impact of its inclusion in protocols. Objective: to identify the morphofunctional characteristics of the muscular fascia and the impact of its mobilization in the sporting scenario. Method: the search was carried out in the LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO, SPORTDiscus and Embase databases, using the SPIDER strategy. Results: 40 stud-ies were selected, which revealed the main aspects regarding energy transmissibility through the muscular fascia. Conclusion: it is important to strengthen the relationship between the inclusion of myofascial release in protocols and the professional's skills. This research suggests combining self-applied release with Foam rollin with other standard stretches over a period of at least 8 weeks for ROM and explosive strength, before or after warm-up, with the purpose of both performance and prevention for athletes.


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Como Citar

Camolesi Ide, F., Aquino Costa, F., Beppler Martins, T., Fleig, R., Moraes Santos, G. ., & Baptistella do Nascimento, I. (2024). Morphofunctional characteristics of muscle fascia and the impact of its mobilization on the sports scene: an integrative review. Peer Review, 6(7), 329–345.


