Physical activity, locomotor capacity and body mass index of persons with lower limb amputation


  • David Braga de Lima
  • Thiago Luis da Silva Castro
  • Fernanda Matos Weber
  • Sarah Deans
  • Rafael Miranda Oliveira
  • Paulo José Barbosa Gutierres Filho
  • Rudney da Silva



Physical Activity, Locomotor Capacity, Functionality, Body Mass Index, Amputation


Objective: To describe physical activity, demographic characteristics, clinical conditions, and body mass index, as well as to compare the scores of physical activity and levels of independence and functionality according to amputation level in persons with lower limb amputations. Method: The study included 70 individuals with lower limb amputation. The following instruments were applied: a) Record to characterize the participants, b) the Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities (PASIPD), and c) the Functional Measure for Amputees Questionnaire (FMA). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and results with p-value less than or equal to 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Study participants had higher scores on Leisure, energy expenditure of 26.93 MET h/d, and had a good score on the Locomotor Capabilities Index. Conclusion: Study participants were physically active, as well as having fewer limitations and restrictions in relation to the ability to move. Evidently, the score of physical activity is associated with better mobility levels. Body mass index was not correlated with physical activity in this study.


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Como Citar

Braga de Lima, D., da Silva Castro, T. L., Matos Weber, F., Deans, S., Miranda Oliveira, R., Barbosa Gutierres Filho, P. J., & Silva, R. da . (2023). Physical activity, locomotor capacity and body mass index of persons with lower limb amputation. Peer Review, 5(26), 569–583.


