Effectiveness of mouth antiseptics in reducing the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 load in saliva? A systematic review of clinical trials
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Mouthwashes, In VivoResumo
This systematic review assessed the effect of mouthwashes on reducing the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the saliva of infected patients. Fifteen electronic databases were searched using the terms "Mouthwash", "Viral Load", and "COVID-19". Only clinical trials were considered, with no language or publication year restrictions. Bias risk was assessed using the Cochrane tool (Rob 2.0) for randomized clinical trials and non-randomized trials (ROBINS-I). The quality of evidence was evaluated using the GRADE system. After the search, 1,102 references were identified and assessed for eligibility criteria. Among these, 34 were selected, and after a thorough analysis, only six were included. The mouthwashes evaluated included 1% hydrogen peroxide, iodopovidone, cetylpyridinium chloride, and chlorhexidine. The results indicated that iodopovidone, chlorhexidine, and cetylpyridinium chloride performed better compared to other options. In conclusion, the use of mouthwashes appears to be effective in reducing the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in saliva.
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