Growth of Urochloa grass in an oxisol treated with powdered silicate materials



Urochloa decumbens cv. “Basilisk”, Biotite schist, Basalt, Biotite syenite


An experiment was carried out in pots with a soil mixed with six powdered silicate materials originated from mining (kyanite, biotite schist, biotite syenite, basalt, vermiculite, or bentonite). These sources were mixed in 4.4 kg of soil (Anionic Acrustox) at the rates of 0 (control), or 440 g of ground silicate materials, in pots where Urochloa decumbens cultivar Basilisk was grown. The grass growth followed the relative total dry mass (%): 100 > 93.8 > 82.7 > 71.4 > 54.4 > 9.4 > 6.8 for biotite schist, bentonite, vermiculite, basalt, syenite, kyanite, and soil (control), respectively. Soil pH (6.5) ultimately decreased Mn availability to plants. Although some silicate materials increased Mn availability to plants, increasing treated plants growth, it was not possible to evaluate if plants were able to acquire more P when treated with silicate materials. Concentrations of Fe and P extracted from the soil and from shoots were highly correlated with dry mass. The reactivity of these materials in soils increasing soil pH may be an important parameter for ranking agrominerals, as the availability of nutrients was correlated to the amount of carbonate used to increase pH of the treated soil to 6.5.


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Como Citar

Marchi, G., Silva, J. C. S., Soares, J. P. G., Abrantes, E. G. de, & Martins, Éder de S. (2024). Growth of Urochloa grass in an oxisol treated with powdered silicate materials. Peer W, 6(2), 248–272. Recuperado de


