Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of extracts methanolics from Catingueira (Cenostigma Bracteosum) and Canafistula (Senna Trachypus)





Anti-inflammatory, Fabaceae, Secondary Metabolites, Caatinga


The use of medicinal plants are ancient practices used by the population to prevent or treat various types of diseases. In the Brazilian Northeast, the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases is widespread with plants easily accessible by the local population and many of these plants have not yet had their effectiveness scientifically proven. Taking into account that Catingueira (Cenostigma bracteosum) and Canafístula (Senna trachypus) are species used by the population and that there is little research about their therapeutic potential, the objective of this work was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of these species. For this experiment, 24 adult Wistar rats of both sexes (180-250g) were used, divided into six groups with 4 (four) animals each, one group for negative control (animals with carrageenan), another for positive control (with dexamethasone), two groups with concentrations of 1% and 10% for formulations with catingueira and canafístula extracts. The gel formulations were topically applied to the right hind paws shortly after the carrageenan injection. After the last measurement of edema, the animals were euthanized for collection and fixation of the hind paws in formalin and preparation of histological slides. It was possible to observe that the gels of the two species studied were effective in reducing the paw edema induced by carrageenan. In the histological evaluation, it was also possible to observe a decrease in neutrophils in the groups treated with catingueira. Thus, it is suggested that the studied species have anti-inflammatory potential.


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Como Citar

Bezerra da Silva , A. I. ., Nunes, L. E. ., de Oliveira , L. C. ., Pierdoná Guzen, F., Figueirêdo de Sá-Filho, G., & Lopes de Paiva Cavalcanti , J. R. . (2023). Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of extracts methanolics from Catingueira (Cenostigma Bracteosum) and Canafistula (Senna Trachypus). Peer Review, 5(25), 163–177. https://doi.org/10.53660/1496.prw3027


