Agile portfolio management in the context of development digital systems: a bibliometric and systematic review of the literature



Agile Portfolio Management, Project Portfolio Management, Digital Systems Development, Business agility


The objective of this research is to map, based on the literature, studies that report on how agile portfolio management is applied in companies. The context of this study examines how global competition and volatility affect the management of digital systems portfolios. The results indicate that the studies suggest that the agile approach is the one that best fits this context. In the systematic review of the selected studies, only 6 works were found to be relevant to the research objective, highlighting that the topic of agile portfolio management is underexplored in the literature, as no articles were found that mention the most commonly used frameworks today and/or demonstrate how they are implemented. It is expected that this study will contribute to academic researchers studying agile portfolio management, as there is a scarcity of scientific works addressing the impact of this type of management on organizations. Regarding its contribution to the market, it is hoped that professionals can use the results of this research to become aware of practices adopted by companies on the subject, rather than being limited to the recommendation of companies that provide such solutions.


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Como Citar

de Souza Goes, R., Costa, I., Carlos Baptestone, R., Silva Junior, W., Antonio Gaspar, M., & Ribeiro Felisoni, P. (2023). Agile portfolio management in the context of development digital systems: a bibliometric and systematic review of the literature. Peer Review, 5(22), 35–57. Recuperado de


